Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Business Myths Revisited

         When myths or lies are repeated often enough people tend to believe them.  The Democrat’s lies about Georgia’s new election laws is a good example.  Biden said the law was Jim Crow on steroids.  He also got four pinocchios for that speech.  Instead of being embarrassed, he repeated the speech with the same lies the next day.

        The Georgia law does not suppress minority voters in any way, but Democrats oppose the law because it eliminates election fraud.  Democrats are afraid they can’t win without voter fraud.


        I want to take a little break from politics and revisit some business myths that I first mentioned on Tuesday, November 19, 2013.  In my book Business Fits: How to Find the Right Business for You! I have a chapter called “Myths about Starting a Business.” The myths discussed are:


·       Starting a business is too risky.  A good job is the only real security.


·       Start small and grow.


·       Banks make business loans.


·       I need to find a business that can’t fail.


·       I will know the right business when I see it.


·       Do what you know and love and you will be a success.


·       Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.


·       Why should I pay a franchise fee and continuing royalty for something I can do myself?


If any of these business myths peaks your interest, check out http://BusinessFits.com.


        Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


  1. What Georgia fraud are you claiming?

  2. The blogger has a real problem with voter fraud. He continues to think it exists but has trouble supporting those claims. He is likely correct in a statement made 4 years ago although that election result was not about fraud, but foreign interference.

    It is usually the losers that complain about voter fraud.

    The Democrats made a huge mistake when they underestimated the support Trump had.
    They employed the Dominion voting machines with Smartmatic software.
    These machines were specifically designed to control elections in countries like Venezuela.

    Anonymous November 24, 2020 at 10:32 AM
    This author needs to fact check his election fraud assertions. Start by providing specifics of instances where Democrats promoted fraud with illegal ballots.

    Regarding the company Dominion, they sell voting machines to state and local election jurisdictions, not to political parties. Dominion does not operate voting systems in Philadelphia, Milwaukee or Dane Co., WI. Dominion does not and has not had ties to Venezuela. Dominion is a separate company and a competitor of Smartmatic. Dominion does not use Smartmatic software.

    President-elect Biden defeated Trump by apparently gaining 2 more electoral votes than Trump secured in 2016. Biden also more than doubled the popular vote margin achieved by Clinton in 2016 over Trump.

    Established voter fraud in: Pennsylvania cost him 20, Michigan cost 16, Georgia cost 16, Wisconsin cost 10, and Nevada cost another 6. These five states give Trump a clear win with 310 Electoral College votes. Voter fraud is also clear in Arizona with 11 and Minnesota with 10 for another 21 votes, but it is less clear if the fraud in these two states was enough to give Trump a win. In any event, Trump had a clear victory with between 321 and 310 Electoral College votes.

    ‘No Evidence’ Of Election Fraud In Battleground States, Statistical Analysis Finds As Trump Continues False Claims (forbes.com)
    A new MITRE Corporation analysis of eight battleground states’ election results found there was “no evidence of fraud, manipulation, or uncorrected error”—including involving Dominion voting machines—further emphasizing the presidential race wasn’t “stolen” or fraudulent even as former President Donald Trump and his allies continue to push those claims.
    Data Analytics to Enhance Election Transparency (mitre.org)

    Trump won the election in a landslide, but it was stolen.
