Tuesday, April 20, 2021

COVID-19 & Politics

April 20, 2021

 What do we know about the COVID-19 pandemics?

·       We know there was and is zero evidence that shutting down schools was a good decision.

·       We know there is little or no evidence that shutting down the economy reduced the spread of the pandemic.

·       We know stay-at-home orders did more damage than COVID ever could have done.

·       We know putting COVID positive patients into extended care facilities killed thousands of seniors and no one was held accountable.

·       The deaths from the seasonal flu were a fraction of the historical number.  Why?

·       The COVID numbers were manipulated.

 In the past, we could believe most (but not everything) we were told by our government.  That is not longer true.  What has changed? 

 This is what has changed:

·       Democrats have politicized the pandemic in order to gain power.

·       The Center for Disease Control has become a political tool.

·       The leadership of the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice have also become political.

·       We now have a two level of Justice.  The left are never prosecuted, and the Right is prosecuted to the maximum the law allows and often with manufactured evidence.

·       The lame-steam media is now the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

·       Big Tech controls what we see, so we often do not see the facts if the facts don’t fit the Left’s political agenda, since big tech backs the Left.

·       This is all about political power and has nothing to do with what is best for the people of out country.

·       The Left has created fear to get people to give up freedoms for the FALSE promise of safety and security.

 We now know for certain that we could not and cannot believe anything we are told by:

·       The World Health organization

·       The Center for Disease Control

·       Dr. Fauci

·       The government

 Are these individuals and organizations:

A.       Totally incompetent

B.      Bought by big money

C.      Lying to promote a political agenda

D.      All of the above

 Some people still believe these lies at the cost of losing personal freedoms.  This is a well known Marxist strategy will ultimately cost us all our freedoms. 


God bless and preserve the United Stated of America. 


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.


  1. "God bless and preserve the United Stated of America"

    I love the United Stated of America. What a great country!

  2. The 5-year average number of deaths by all causes is 2,972,884 (2015-2019). The number of deaths by all causes in 2020 was 3,358,814 indicating the number of excess deaths over an average year was 385,930. The number of COVID19 reported deaths in 2020 was 345,323.

    The 5-year average deaths from influenza and pneumonia was 54,634. The number of deaths in 2020 was 53,595. Miniman public contact and mask wearing were likely factors in the reduction.

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