Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Democrat Party History

         I can understand why the Democrat Left wants to destroy, hide, and change history.  We need to study and learn from history. 

        The Democrat Party was the pro slavery party.  This led to the formation of the Republican Party, the election of Lincoln, and the Civil War. 

        The 13th Amendment abolished slavery.  100% of the Republicans in Congress and only 22% of Democrats supported it.

        The 14th Amendment granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and previous slaves.  The 15th Amendment granted African American men the right to vote.  100% of the Republicans in Congress supported both Amendments.  Not one Democrat did.

        The Ku Klux Klan was born and thrived in the Democratic south.  This led to the lynching of blacks in the south.  The Jim Crow laws limiting rights of blacks were all passed in Democrat controlled southern states.

        Unions have always backed the Democrat Party.  This dates back to the early days of unions.  Do you remember the saying, “Union Made?”  The original slogan was, “Union Made by White Men”.  The words WHITE and MEN were meant literally.  

        Equal rights bills were started by President Eisenhower, but blocked by Democrats in the Senate.  Lyndon Johnson was a leading Senator in that fight.

        When John F. Kennedy ran for President, he picked LBJ as his running mate for two reasons.  They wanted someone from the south and he wanted Johnson out of the Senate so Johnson would not be blocking civil rights legislation.

        When JFK was assassinated and Johnson became President, he had no choice but to sign the civil rights bill into law.  Johnson was smart enough to use the event to empower the Democratic Party.  Johnson told several southern Democratic Governor’s, “We’ll have those _____   N_____’s voting Democrat for a hundred years.  It has worked for over fifty years, but I hope that is changing.

        Johnson’s War on Poverty was actually a strategy to destroy the individual and family in poor minority neighborhoods, and enslave them to a life of welfare.  The Democrat Party has continued to use identity politics to divide the country and gain power.  Maintaining power and increasing the size and control of government has been their only goal. 

        There was a time when the Democrat Party was considered the party of the “little guy” and this was true for white males.  That is no longer the case.  It is now the party of rich oligarchs with no consideration for the American people.

        The damage Democratic policies are doing to the American People is clearly not a concern.  Policies relating to the pandemic, immigration, law and order, energy, and gun rights clearly show no consideration for the facts or the best interests of the American people.  I pray it is not too late to correct this lunacy.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.


  1. What you fail to mention is the political ideology shift in the early 1900s. In the early 1900s Williams Jennings Bryan, a Democrat, emphasized the government's role in ensuring social distance through expansions of federal power - traditionally, a Republican stance. This crested a shift in ideology between the two parties. Therefore, in the early-mid 1900s Democrats became Republicans and vice versa. So, when you talk about Democrats being slave owners you are referring to the current Republican party being slave owners. I find it extremely ironic and humorous that you complain about history being forgotten when you don't even know of the history of your own party. Quit lying to yourself and understand that current Republican ideologies and values are why there was slavery to begin with. Even if they weren't named the Republican Party then it was still similar ideologies that founded the KKK. If you did your research, you would find that the KKK currently supports the Republican party further proving my point. I think someone needs to go back to school and learn about American history...

  2. It is clear the blog author is opposed to the Democratic Party. That Party currently occupies both houses of Congress and the Executive office. His historical reference is meant to imply criticism of a number of current policies. This cynicism is not new as indicated in previous posts:

    “The 14th Amendment states that all children born in this country are citizens of this country. This is wrong and must be corrected.”
    “Citizens may need to help the military and police by taking up arms and fighting for our country.”
    “Black Lives Matter attacks the police when the police are exactly what is needed to keep their neighborhoods safe.”

    His closing paragraph specific cited several areas. By being in opposition to current policy one could assume support for alternatives relative to those areas:
    PANDEMIC – anti-vaccinations, discourage mask wearing, open all businesses
    IMMIGRATION – close all borders, limit travel, promote isolationism
    LAW & ORDER – profile minorities that do most of the crime, prohibit demonstrations to prevent riots
    ENERGY –promote coal, fracking and oil exploration, discourage wind and solar power, electric vehicles
    GUN RIGHTS – require gun ownership, no background requirements, open carry

    As absurd as these suggestions sound, they only match those of the blog comments critical of Democratic policy by implying a false equivalent of history.
