Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Why Bother

         Why does anyone bother to investigate government corruption? There was a time when journalists did that job.  Now, the lame-steam media not only does not investigate any corruption by Democrats and the Washington DC establishment, but covers up that corruption. 

        Social media like Facebook and Twitter do everything in their power to cover up government corruption, but they happily spread any lies about Trump.  Social media companies have become powerful oligarchs that are threatening our freedom of speech and freedom of the press.  

        There is now enough hard evidence to send all of the following to jail for felonies:

·        FBI Director, James Comey

·        U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch

·        FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe

·        FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence, Peter Strzok

·        FBI attorney, Lisa Page

·        FBI General Counsel, James Baker

·        DOJ Senior Official, Bruce Ohr

·        Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper

·        Director of CIA, John O. Brennans

·        U.S. Attorney General, Eric H. Holder Jr.

·        National Security Advisor, Susan Rice

·        Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton


        It is now known that President Obama knew of or was in charge of the Russia Gate plot to frame Trump.

        Hunter Biden’s computer is a smoking gun exposing the Biden crime family.  Al Capone would have been envious of Joe Biden.

        There are investigations by the Department of Justice, the FBI, special prosecutors, Inspector Generals, the House, and the Senate.  The evidence is blatantly obvious, but no one is ever charged. What is the point? 


Why is the government wasting taxpayer money on these investigations when no one is ever prosecuted? 


        One Senator said the American people have a right to know the truth.  This is not enough.  The lame-stream media and social media oligarchs will not report the truth anyway.  And, the Left does not let the facts get in the way of their emotions. 


People have to go to jail.


        Corrupt politicians are doing everything possible to elect Biden, because he will make sure all these crimes are covered up and never prosecuted.  The crimes of the political establishment will continue and past crimes will disappear. 


We must “Drain the Swamp.”


“We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place.” 

Donald Trump 2016


“and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”  

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address 


        The future of this great republic is being put to the test on November 3rd.  Will Trump and the American people win, or will Biden and the corrupt establishment achieve their goal?



God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Political Apathy

      When I posted “Our Country’s 20 Greatest Threats”, I listed Political Apathy as number four.  People are involved with their personal lives, and get complacent.  The United States has been the leader of the free world for over 100 years and people don’t believe that could change and we could lose our freedoms.

        The radical Left has taken over the Democratic Party.  There are many good Democrats who may be liberal, but don’t agree with the current control of their party.  I can understand why they want to be loyal to their party, but they have to take back control, which may mean voting Republican in the upcoming election.


The current Democratic Party is advocating:

·       Anarchy and riots in the streets

·       Adding more leftist Supreme Court Justices making it totally political

·       Open borders

·       Government health care

·       Adding new states

·       Electing Presidents by popular vote, eliminating the Electoral College

·       Changing the Constitution to eliminate free speech, freedom of the press, and the right to own guns


        These changes would make the Unites States of America a one-party Democrat/Marxist country.  The Constitution and our personal freedoms would be things of the past. 

       We will be determining the future of this country on November 3rd.  Will we continue as the leader of the free world, or will we condemn our children and grandchildren to a life of poverty and despair? 

        We know the media, the establishment, and globalists are doing everything in their power to defeat Donald Trump.  Facebook and Twitter are censoring the news to favor the Left.  China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are doing everything they can to defeat Trump.  There will be voter fraud favoring Harris/Biden like this country has never seen before.  Can Americans stand up to overcome these obstacles? 

        Political Apathy is a threat to this country.  It frightens me when I hear people say, “I don’t want to talk about it because it’s upsetting” or “Oh, everything will work out.”  Freedom is at stake.  

       Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more that one generation away from extinction.”  Are we that generation?  We must take an active role and vote.


 God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2020


         There is a “Flight or Fight” theory about how people react when confronted with danger.  I think there is a third reaction.  Most people freeze with fear.  The next largest group takes flight and the smallest group fights.

        People that freeze are in fear, and wish for someone or something to protect them.  Fear is the primary tool used for every socialist, communist, and Marxist government in order to take control of a country.  People frozen in fear look to the government to take care of them. 

        They are willing to give up their personal freedoms and opportunities in exchange for perceived security.  The false

security proposed by Marxism always leads to poverty and despair.

        The Left will use any crisis to promote their Marxist agenda.  They try to take away our 2nd amendment rights after any mass shooting.  They blame forest fires caused by arson and poor forest management on climate change.  They blame bad weather on climate change.

        The China virus has given the left a perfect opportunity to exploit people’s fears.  We shut down the greatest economy the world had ever seen because of this virus.  We don’t know what to believe any more.  How many people have died from the virus?  We know many people that died from causes as unrelated as a motorcycle accident were counted as China virus deaths.  The true number is somewhere between 10,000 and 200,000. 

        One death is too many, but we must look at the total cost.  A large percentage of the China virus deaths happened because Democratic Governors put people with the virus in nursing homes.  These were the people most vulnerable to the virus. 

        Other viruses including the flu have been deadly in the past, but we have never shut down the economy.  We have vaccinations for the flu, but it still is taking more lives than the China virus.  Deaths from suicide and drugs have increased exponentially.  The total damage the stay-at-home orders have done to people’s lives will dwarf the actual deaths from the virus.   

        Rahm Emanual said this about the China virus, “Never allow a crisis to go to waste.”  Emanual is a loyal Democrat.  He was Obama’s Chief of Staff and later Mayor of Chicago.  These politicians care only about power.  They don’t give a damn about the American people.

        The China Virus has become a political tool for the Left.  They say the Trump administration has done a terrible job while the actual medical and science experts say no one could have done better. 

        The lame-steam media has generated a hysterical fear with this purposed pandemic.  Some people have taken their fear to a totally irrational level.  Some people will not even go the grocery store.        These extreme fears may turn some people into recluses like Howard Hughes. 

        We will not know the total cost of the China Virus for decades.  The biggest test will be on November 3rd.  The radical Left has promoted a hysterical fear that could cost Trump the election. 

        Our Republic and personal freedom could be gone if Harris-Biden win.  If Trump wins, he can deal with the virus and rebuild the economy.  Vote! 


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Talk is Cheap

    Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.  We have a Presidential election in a few weeks.  It is a very interesting election in several ways. 

       Biden is a typical career politician.  He is all talk and no history of action or success.  The only thing he has been successful at is accumulating wealth for himself and his family.  Trump donates his entire salary to charity. 

       Biden has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision during his entire career.  The Paris Climate Agreement was nothing more than a plan for wealth redistribution, and the Iran deal was a disgrace.

       Trump’s foreign policy uses simple communication from a position of strength.  He has made us energy independent, rebuilt the military, and produced a booming economy before the China virus.  It is no wonder he has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

       Most of Biden’s plan for dealing with the China virus is promising to do everything Trump is already doing.  The biggest danger of spreading the China virus is travel.  Trump shut down travel from China and Europe early.  Biden called him a racist for doing this.  How many lives would Biden have cost if he had been President?

     Trump is accused of being racist when he had done more for blacks and all minorities than any President since Lincoln.  Biden’s talk is about uniting the country while his history clearly shows he was and is a segregationist.  Democrats continue to divide the country on race with hopes of keeping the black vote.  More and more blacks are coming to the conclusion that Democrats are just using them and not working in their best interests.

       Sadly, most of us expect politicians to lie.  I used to laugh about Obama’s “tell” when he was going to say what he knew was a lie.  When he started out with “Let me make this perfectly clear,” you knew he was going to tell a lie. 

       Biden’s campaign promises have been lies for his whole 47 year political career.  Trump has kept every campaign promise.  This is infuriating for the establishment, because they can’t buy or control him.

      Talk is cheap and Biden’s talk of a plan does not jive with his history.  Trump actions speak for themselves.  Trump has done more for ALL Americans in the last 47 months than Biden has done in 47 years.  Don’t be taken in by hollow promises. 

        President Trump is in the hospital with the China virus and he is still doing more work than Biden.  Biden spent much of the year hiding in his basement bunker, while Trump ran the country and campaigned. 


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.