Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution

One of the primary concerns of our founding fathers was a Federal Government that grew too large and out of control.  They were well aware of the threat to personal freedom this could be.  They had seen too many monarchs and dictators.  This is the reason for the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. 

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution is quite short and to the point. 

“The powers not delegated to the United States by
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are
reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This is clear and straightforward.  What responsibilities and powers are given to the Federal Government in the Constitution?  There are not too many. 
National Defense is the responsibility of the Federal Government.  They need to protect our borders and protect us from invasion.  I don’t remember anything about being the world’s police force.  
The Federal Government is also responsible for controlling immigration.  Too bad it has been ignored for the last 30 to 50 years. 
Foreign relations, treaties, and trade tariffs with foreign nations and American Indians are the Federal Governments responsibility.  Interstate commerce, money, banking, post office, copyright laws, and patent laws pretty much complete the list of the responsibilities of the Federal Government. 
        I just did this list from memory so I left out the details and probably forgot some things, but it is pretty complete.  The Federal Government is specifically prohibited from being involved with anything else under the 10th Amendment. 

        This presents some interesting ideas.  Think about it.  If we comply with the 10th amendment, the size of the Federal Government in Washington DC will be reduced to a fraction of the size it is today. 
        Many departments and agencies of the Federal Government would be totally eliminated.  Things like the Department of Education and many others would be gone.  As stated in the 10th Amendment, the States or the people will handle things like education. 
        There would be little problem balancing a budget.  Federal spending would be a fraction of what it is today.  Federal debt could be reduced and eliminated in one generation so it no longer threatens the freedom of future generations. 

        Political power would be shifted from the Federal Government to the States and the people.  We would eliminate the possibility of creating a “Political Ruling Elite”. 
        I recognize that I am just wishing and dreaming.  The current “Political Ruling Elite” will fight this change every step of the way.  It takes away their power.  Why would they not fight giving up their power?   
        What I don’t understand is why the “People” put up with this “Progressive” growth of government.  I do understand why some of the “People” like the “Progressive” growth of government. 
        Some of the “People” like the growth in government because they work in the public sector or have ambitions of becoming part of the “Political Elite”.  Some just like the handouts of a large Federal Government.  Some people prefer welfare to working, and in some cases are the third generation of welfare.  Some people just don’t feel they are getting their “Fair Share” and want the government to fix it for them. 
        What happens to our country when the number people receiving their income from the government, in wages or welfare, exceed the number of people getting their income from the private sector?  That possibility may not be that far away.  If that happens will we continue to be a free country or will we be a socialist country?  It is just something to think about. 

        The solution to protect the freedom of future generations is simple.  We just comply with the 10th Amendment, but it is not a simple change. 
        It took the “Progressive” movement over a hundred years to get where we are.  We won’t change it over night.  The current “Political Elite” will fight giving up their power every step of the way. 
        I just hope and pray “We The People” recognize this problem and deal with it before it is too late. 

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