Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fool Me Once - Fool Me Twice

One of my Dad’s favorite sayings was “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  I think he was making the point that we have to take some personal responsibility.  We need to think about this.   
Our government makes a joke of our gullibility.  They raise taxes with the promise of cutting spending and balancing the budget in the future, and it never happens.  The debt ceiling is raised with the promise of balancing the budget in the future and it never happens, and the national debt continues to increase. 
Politicians continue to pay off their campaign donors and special interest groups in order to get reelected.   Politicians buy votes by promising free stuff.   The working people, and their children and grandchildren will have to pay for this free stuff, assuming they actually work for a living. 
I don’t believe many politicians have any intentions of controlling the growth of government at any time while they are in office.  Every time I hear the word invest, I cringe because I know a large portion of the money is a payoff and will be wasted with little or no benefit to the country. Politicians must think the public is really stupid.  Maybe we are.  We keep letting them continue to fool us with promises for the future that they have no intention of keeping.
Immigration is another great example.  Politicians continue to pass legislation to make illegal aliens legal citizens with the promise of controlling our borders and enforcing the laws sometime in the future.  We have been here before.  The borders are never secured.  The immigration laws are never enforced.  We never fix the real problem, and we start all over again.  We are fooled again.
How many times are we going to be fooled?  After the first time there is no excuse.  Shame on us.  It is time we take some personal responsibility and demand the same of our elected officials. 


  1. by the time the majority of our citizens wake up to reality, it will be way too late to change what's happening.

  2. To the previous post: please help us, the majority of US citizens, to understand "reality." It is clear you think that you're much smarter than us!
