Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why Can't We Just Be Americans?

I have a niece that posted this on Facebook: 

“Why can’t we just be Americans and get along?  Somewhere along the way, I think the two parties have lost the purpose of the design.  Could we just clear everyone out of DC and start over with new people?  I know that can’t happen, but really, how will this ever get fixed?” 
Victoria Miller

I am not sure if it was the government shutdown, the debt ceiling, Obama Care, or all three that prompted this, but Vicki makes it sound simple.  We should just get along and do what is best for America.  What is the problem with that?  The problem is having the electorate and elected officials want to do what is best for the country.
Let’s take a look at some of the problems. 
·       Politician’s more concerned with getting reelected than doing what is good for the country
·       Political elite that only want in increase their power
·       Special interest groups promoting their financial interests at the expense of the country
·       Too large a percentage of the electorate that are on welfare or just want free stuff
·       A Progressive movement that feels enlightened bureaucrats are better able to tell us how to live our lives.
·       A media that does not accurately report the news
·       No requirement for politicians or political ads to be truthful
·       An education system that does not teach accurate American history and government
·       The rich, the political elite, and the politically connected continue to get richer and more powerful
·       The working middle class continues to decline and lose disposable income
·       Too large a percentage of the electorate in the public sector
·       The non-contributing welfare portion of this country continues to increase 

Is it time for some real change?  The path government has taken over the last few decades obviously is not working.  What’s Einstein’s definition of insanity?  “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Our great country is heading down a path to big government and socialism.  The federal government continues to grow and take away states rights and individual freedoms.  Spending continues to increase, the deficit continues to increase, and the national debt is increasing at an alarming rate.  A moderate now is someone who just wants to slow down this path to destruction. 
    I want to take the federal government back to the limits set in the Constitution.  This is what made this country great.  I will probably never live to see this happen, because it took about a century to get in this mess and it can’t be corrected over night, but for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we had better start now, before it is too late.  Some politicians seem to ignore the Constitution if it does not fit their political agenda. The Progressives call some one who wants to stop or reverse this growth of government an anarchist or racist.  Conservatives don’t want to eliminate government, but calling someone names is always good if you don’t have facts to support your argument.  
    What can we do now?  We have to elect representatives that will work in the best interest of the country and not want to create a political elite ruling class.  I am not a fan of people who vote for candidates on a single issue, but if we don’t start voting for candidates that will stand fast to reduce the size of government and balance the budget, everything else is irrelevant. 
The exception is if you want your children and grandchildren to live in a socialist country and not have the same opportunities we have had in the past.  Our founding fathers knew the dangers this great republic faced and their fears are proving valid.  They were so smart.  I hope we start to heed their warnings.

1 comment:

  1. Neither political party seems to have the interests of the majority of the American people at their core. Power of the party is what drives them. We need more Scott Walkers to take the reins and bring us back to reality! And the people need to get their heads out of the sand and wake up to what is happening.
