Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Climate Change

      Sometimes I write a blog in a couple of days and sometimes it takes weeks or even months.  I have been researching and investigating this one for two years.  It took that long because I have friends and relatives who are very passionate on both sides of the issue, and I thought there had to be strong evidence for both sides.  
     Is there climate change on earth? Yes, without question.  Wisconsin glaciers covered the area I now live in from 85,000 to 11,000 years ago.  What happened to this ice?  It melted due to global warming.  What caused that warming may not be clear, but I do know man and man-made carbon emissions were not a factor.  I don’t think there were a lot of cars then.
     It seems to make sense that man would be causing global warming.  Think about how hot a room full of people can get just due to the body heat.  The population of man has increased in the relatively recent history of our planet.  We give off body heat, heat and cool our homes and work places, and we have many engines for industry and transportation that give off heat. 
     There have been several periods of verifiable cooling and warming in the earth’s more recent history.  Most of you will be too young to remember scientist’s warnings of the next approaching ice age in the 1970s.  It didn’t materialize.  Science is able to verify a Medieval Warm Period from 800AD to 1300AD and a Little Ice Age from 1300AD to 1900AD.
     The most significant study showing global warming seems to be from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  Dr. Michael Mann’s famous hockey stick graph is one of the most significant studies on global warming.  Unfortunately, it does not reflect either the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age.  The 2003 Climategate revelations showed Mann’s model is flawed, and by 2009, when project leader’s e-mails were reveled, it was a total sham.
     Al Gore’s 2006 movie An Inconvenient Truth used Mann’s hockey stick model.  The movie was very well done and received several Academy Awards.  The movie predicted many catastrophic events due to global warming.  It was scary and appealed to people’s natural instincts to protect the future of our children.  I have blogged on this tactic before.  If you can’t support an issue with facts, use emotion, kids, and name-calling, like flat-earther.  The time for some of these predictions has already passed.  OOPS!  Gore’s movie was a huge success, and it made Al Gore a lot of money.  We all make mistakes, and I am ashamed to admit I voted for Gore for President. 
     I am critical of scientific temperature studies, because we are dealing with a huge planet and trying to measure a small fraction of a degree of change.  With that said, most credible studies show a decline in temperature and an increase in the ocean ice pack over the last 10 to 16 years.  True?  Maybe, but the science certainly does not show any significant global warming.
     The statement that 97% or 98% of all scientists believe in global warming is often thrown about.  I am not sure where it started, but is certainly not true.  Forbes did an article on this on July 17, 2012.  Over 31,000 American scientists including over 9,000 Ph.D.s have signed a petition that states; “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earths atmosphere and disruption of the earth’s climate.”
     We do have climate change and we always will.  The question is if there is anything we can do as humans to control it.  Obviously, we should avoid polluting, conserve natural resources, and recycle, but I am convinced there is nothing to support the idea that man-made carbon emissions play any role in global warming.  With zero science to support it, why do we have so much pressure for carbon emission regulation?  The answer is quite simple.  Follow the money! 
     Carbon regulation would be the largest increase in government in the history of the world.  It would be the largest worldwide income redistribution plan in the history of the world.  It would make the politically connected and political elite fabulously wealthy and all-powerful.  The carbon exchange alone would make many billionaires. 
     There are many sources and a lot of double-talking on this topic.  I guess that is why it took me two years to research it.  I had to laugh at some of the supporters for regulating greenhouse gases quoting each other as sources, but never verifiable scientific facts. 
     I would recommend The Greatest Hoax by U.S. Senator James Inhoffe.  This book gives an accurate chronological account of this entire issue. 

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