Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Socialism and Why It Fails

Why does socialism fail?  Socialism is not a new idea.  The idea is thousands of years old, and has never worked.  According to a friend of mine, the only really new political idea in the last couple thousand years was the Republic with three branches of government our founding fathers designed. 
Changing the name of socialism and calling it something else does not change how it works and the end result.  It does not matter if you call it socialism, modern socialism, progressivism, modern progressivism, or communism.  The principals and objectives are the same.
Socialism fails because it takes away all incentive to perform and achieve.  Why should someone work when there are no rewards?  The concept of working to one’s ability and being compensated only according to one’s needs just does not work in the long run. 
Socialism often shows early signs of success, but eventually fails.  Early success is because of wealth redistribution, but over time everyone is reduced to a lower standard of living except for the political elite.  By definition, socialism grows the size and power of government, and ends with tyranny.  The political elite live in luxury and the workers live in near poverty.  This is not just a wild prediction.  Look at history shows every socialist country fails. 
This history lesson is relevant today when we have a self-proclaimed socialist running for President.  In the past political candidates may have advocated socialist ideas, but tried to disguise them under other names. 
We have been moving toward socialism in this country for the last 100 years.  I think it is time we get back to the principles of our Founding Fathers that made this country great. 

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