Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Power of Prayer

         I am not very public with my Christian faith.  For me, it is a personal thing.  At this time in my life, I am not a member of a specific church and do not attend on a regular basis.  When I do go to church, I attend several different churches and denominations. 
        I was raised as a Lutheran and have been active in churches in the past, and I have served on several church councils.  I have been honored to be an Elder, Deacon, and church president. 
        I do consider myself to be a Christian and pray on a regular basis.  I think the hardest I ever prayed was a little over 53 years ago, when my oldest son had complications after being born prematurely.  The doctor said he had one chance in a thousand to live more than 24 hours. 
        We picked Jason for his name that day because the name is Greek for healed or healer.  Jason is strong, healthy and a home builder in the Iowa City area.  God gave him a chance to make a difference and contribute in this world.  My prayers were answered.  
        The second hardest I ever prayed was the night before Donald Trump was elected President.  I believed the election was critical for the future of this country.  I was elated to see Trump sworn in as our 45th President last Friday.  My prayers were answered. 

        God bless America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 

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