Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Daylight Savings Time

        I hate Daylight Savings Time.  I think most people do.  Just as it starts getting light before I get up in the morning, we go on daylight savings time and its dark again.  It practically seems like I get up in the dark and go to bed in the daylight. 
        It takes me forever to adjust to the time change.  It is much worse than jet lag, but I have to admit that change is tough for an old fart like me.
        Every time we change the time, I have to reset clocks.  I count 25 clocks, watches and timers that don’t reset themselves in our house.  Changing them all always puts me in an even worse mood.  
        When Daylight Savings Time started it was just for the summer months.  Now its eight months of the year.  Maybe we should just stay on Daylight Savings time.  That is a bad idea, but better than changing twice a year. 
        What idiot came up with this idea in the first place?  History shows Daylight Savings Time goes back to Germany in WWI to save fuel.  FDR implemented it during WWII to save fuel and reduce the potential need for night blackouts. 
        I have heard a lot of arguments in favor of Daylight Savings Time.  Most are just plain BS.  The big one is energy savings.  This may have been valid at some time in the past, but  I don’t think it is today.  It costs just as much to light or heat a house in the morning as it does in the evening.  The cost of transportation to work is the same regardless of the time on the clock. 
        Farmers have been given as a reason.  This is crazy because the livestock and crops react to the sun, not a clock. 
        School children have been given as a reason, but this is a bad one.  Some children spend more time in the dark going to school which can be dangerous.  I have also heard proposals to start school later in the day because kids like to stay up at night and don’t want to get up in the morning.  They do not perform as well in the early part of the day.  Daylight Savings Time just compounds this problem. 
        Daylight Savings Time may be good for some businesses like golf courses, but is bad for others like drive-in-theaters.  We have a great 4th of July fireworks display every year over the lake which we like to watch from our boat.  With Daylight Savings Time it stays light so late that it is almost July 5th by the time the fireworks are over.  Maybe we should start them the night of July 3rd so they bring in the 4th of July.
        I heard medical experts discussing Daylight Savings Time on the morning news.  They stated that the physical health issues relating to the time change and sleep problems are small, but the time change does bring an increase in heart attracts.
        Arizona, Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands do not implement Daylight Savings Time.  I wish other states including Wisconsin would do the same.  If it were put up for a vote to the people, I am certain there would be no more Daylight Savings time.   
        This would be a great non-partisan issue for politicians to take up.  Sorry, I forgot that there seem to be no such thing as a non-partisan issue regardless of how beneficial it is to the country.  I am fed up with partisan politics.  If it continues, the negative political party may cease to exist, and I don’t want to see that happen.
        God bless the United States of America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


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