Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sue the Republican Party?

         A class action law suit is being filed against the National Republican party to recover donations made under false pretenses.  In business, we are subject to litigation for damages if we take money under false pretenses.  All contracts must be honored or be subject to damages. 
        Disgruntled Republicans made donations to the party with the promise of repealing Obamacare.  That is not happening.  Republicans made many other promises like reducing the size of government and reducing taxes, and are not living up to their promises.  This legal action has no chance of success, but I hope it sends a message to our elected representatives in Congress.
        Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell criticized President Trump for being new to Washington and not knowing how democracy worked.  President Trump and a majority of the American people know exactly what is happening in Washington.  The Washington elite want business as usual.  It is time to drain the swamp and kick out all of the political elite like Mitch McConnell. 
        The time for term limits is long overdue.  We have to bring an end to the career Washington politician.  Too many of these people go into politics and become millionaires.  Something is wrong and it must stop.  
        I would join the class action suit against the Republican Party if I had given them a donation, but I have nothing to recover because I gave no money to the National Republican Party after Trump entered the presidential campaign.  I was appalled at the way the Republican Party treated Trump and I did give money to his campaign.  Republican politicians are just as afraid that Trump will drain the swamp as the Democrats, and I don’t blame them, but Trump can’t do it all by himself.  He has to have help from Congress. 
        Republicans and Democrats both better wake up.  The American people are fed up.  They want real change.  Don’t be fooled by the polls giving Trump a low approval rating.  These are the same polls that said he had zero chance of becoming President. 
        I am very happy with Trump’s performance at this point considering he is fighting parties, the media, and the lobiests.  Keep up the good work.       
        God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


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