Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Fondas

         What is wrong with Jane and Peter Fonda?  These people are demented.  Their hatred for people with different political ideas is not rational. 
        Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam, colluded with the enemy, and caused American prisoners to be tortured and killed.  This is fact, not some witch hunt like the left is trying to do with President Trump.  Jane Fonda should have been tried for treason, as she committed a capital offense. 
        This week Peter Fonda tweeted that President Trump’s 12-year-old son should be “ripped” from his mother’s arms and locked in a cage with a pedophile.  Fonda later apologized and said it was “inappropriate and vulgar.”  His words were more than inappropriate and vulgar.  They could  have been a crime. 
        Many in the liberal left liked and shared the tweet.  Why do we continue to allow this kind of language and action by the liberal left?  They call Trump supporters deplorable and Nazis.  If a conservative said anything close to this, the media would be screaming for his or her head.  
       The right thinks the left is wrong, but the left thinks the right is evil.  This has become irrational and has to stop.  People can't hate Trump because their candidate lost.  He is and will be our President, and is deserving of respect.     
        Trump’s actions show he is not racist, but the left tries to twist everything he says to imply that he is one.  I find this kind of partisan politics disgusting. 
        The Democratic Party has to stop letting the radical liberal left control the Party or there may not be a Democratic Party in the future.  That would be harmful because we need two political parties. 
        The Democrats have no platform except the anti-Trump agenda.  They are no longer representing the people of this country. 
        History shows there should be a blue (Democrat) wave with this fall’s midterm election.  I don’t think that is going to happen.  The working people of this country have had enough of party politics, the radical left, the deep state, and the political elite.  They will vote for candidates who support President Trump.  When this happens, Congress will be irrelevant because of the Senate 60% filibuster rule.  After that rule is changed and the Democratic Party continues to be an anti-Trump obstructionist Party, they may be finished.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 

Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback.  

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