Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Son of a Sharecropper

        Elijah Cummings is a US Congressman from Maryland.  He is the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  Cummings is black and recently made a comment that he knows how racism feels because he is the son of a sharecropper.  He made is sound like he had ascended from the swamp in spite of overwhelming obstacles.  I think he has descended to the Washington DC swamp.
        I was raised on farms in Iowa.  My father was a sharecropper.  A sharecropper is someone who farms land that is owned by someone else for a percentage of the crop.  This is usually a 50/50 split.  The other way someone can farm land they do not own is to pay an annual cash rent. 
        Being a sharecropper was and is an honorable profession.  A sharecropper will never get rich, but they are honest hardworking people who provider for their families. 
        I am grateful for being raised on a farm.  My parents taught me to be honest, ethical, moral, and hard working.  I was taught a man’s word was his bond.  My father farmed one farm I was raised on for 16 years.  The only agreement for 14 of those years was a handshake with the landlord.  I wish we had more politicians who keep their word.  President Trump is one of the few who does.
        Dad and I were working late one summer night when I was about 13.  I was complaining, and my Dad got tired of hearing it.  He told me that he did not have money to send me to college or start me in business or farming.  But, he said I was smart enough to learn to do a job if I knew how to work, and he could teach me how to work.  I did not think this was too good a deal at the time, but was thankful for it in later years. 
        President Trump is another person who knows how to work.  I have no idea how anyone his age can keep up his pace.  The left says the White House is in chaos.  Of course it is.  No one can keep up with him. 
        I heard someone criticize his executive time and imply he was not working.  This is time when he does not have meetings scheduled.  This is time for reading, planning, phone calls, and unscheduled meetings with White House staff. 
        Anyone who has ever worked in government or the corporate world knows how unproductive many meetings are.  We have made statements like, “How can I get my work done when I am in meetings all the time?”
        President Trump knows how to work, negotiate, and motivate.  He keeps his word and has done more in the last two years than the last four Presidents did in 28 years. 
        I can certainly see why the deep state, Democrats, and RINOS hate Trump.  He actually works for the American people and not the political elite. 

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


  1. Terry,

    You can’t be serious. To compare Midwest crop-share agreements with southern crop sharing is totally absurd. Don’t you know the historical difference? Really?

    I grew up within 10 miles of where you did. Our family farm operated under the same crop sharing tenant agreements you highlighted. Never once have I considered it was in any way relevant or remotely comparable to the southern crop sharing African Americans experience when the south was still segregated.

    But you took it further in your blog to transition into about how you learned work ethic under the Midwest farming system of our time. Good for you. I feel the same about my farm background.

    Now the stretch comes when you extended that work ethic to the White House. You said the president “knows how to work.” That is an enormous stretch. He plays more golf than any president since Eisenhower (that’s unofficial). His executive time is not to avoid meetings, or to read, which he famously does not do, but to watch Fox TV where he gets much of his policy. C’mon. You know better than to say he works hard, for the country. He works for himself and the minority of the country considered his base. Those crop share tenant farmers, like the system we grew up under, are not doing so well today with depressed commodity prices as a result of tariff policies. Those trade policies that have created increased trade imbalances. Tax cuts have brought about huge fiscal deficits that now loom as problems for economic growth. Disrespect globally is a liability, and don’t count Russia and North Korea as those that respect the U.S.

    Now, if you want to criticize Elijah Cummings for his committee work in investigating wrong doings, you need to be more direct. You said “He made is sound like he had ascended from the swamp in spite of overwhelming obstacles. I think he has descended to the Washington DC swamp.” Besides the grammatical error, “ascending from the swamp” seems to me to be a racist characterization of an African American that rose up from the segregated South to try to make a difference. Had you not been fixed on calling Washington a “swamp” you may not have reached for such an inappropriate comparison.

    Kent Schulze

  2. Mr Schulze, you accuse the writer of coloring his post with an inordinate bias in favor of the President but blithely color your entire response with an inordinate bias against him.
    Worse, you immediately resort th your psuedo racist shtick by accusing him of "racism" no reasonable reader could infer. To those of us who find something as actually racist as the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Mr. Cummings is a founder,well, your defense of his philosophy rings a bit obnoxious. Not to say, hypocritical.
    As for your attack on the President, you are certainly free to make it....and I am likewise free to cancel out your vote. By the way,your implied panegyrics in support of the President's vanquished opponent in the late election is hilarious. Keep 'em coming.Best,
