Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Democrat Platform

       The Democrats have had their convention.  They have nominated Joe Biden as their presidential candidate and Kamala Harris as their VP pick.   Let’s review their platform. 

·       Hate Trump

·       Eliminate ICE

·       Defund the police

·       Open the boarders

·       Raise everyone’s taxes

·       Pay restitution to blacks

·       Eliminate private health insurance

·       Address imagined systemic racism

·       Make suburbs pay for urban decay

·       Continue to divide the country on race

·       Free education thru four years of college

·       Green new deal that will collapse our economy

·       Condone street violence (protests) by the far left

·       Advocate for more wars to help the arms industry

·       Eliminate Second Amendment and confiscate guns

·       Promote a globalist economy and world government

·       Continue to indoctrinate our youth with Marxist ideas

·       Free abortions for anyone at any stage of a pregnancy

·       Promise economic health that Trump actually achieved

·       Eliminate free speech that does not agree with their          agenda

·       Big federal government controlling our every aspect of      our lives

·       Free healthcare for everyone including illegal                    immigrants

·       Bailouts for every fiscally incompetent Democrat-run          city and state

·       Stop investigations of political crimes committed by            prior administrations

·       Allow local governments to violate the US Constitution      with resolutions like sanctuary cities

·       Eliminate the Electoral College so New York &                   California elect every future President

     What has happened to the Democratic Party?  I don’t know if I should laugh, cry, or puke.


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


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