Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Any of you that have read my book, Business Fits, know how I feel about acronyms.  The use of acronyms leads to misunderstandings and miscommunications.  In business they cause wasted advertising and marketing dollars, and most importantly lead to lost sales. 
So what does P.C. stand for?  I once did consulting work for a franchise that used the term in marketing materials for prospective franchisees.  The prospects felt the term referred to Personal Computer.  It made no sense and the prospects did not want to appear dumb by asking questions.  In this case P.C. stood for a technical term in the franchise system.  How many franchise sales were lost before the acronym was removed?
So does P.C. stand for a personal computer or something else?  I was listening to a book of fiction on tape in the car.  They kept using the acronym P.C. in this book and it did not make any sense until I finally realized that they were referring to Probable Cause for search warrants.  This may have made sense to someone involved in law enforcement, but not for most people.  Don’t get in the habit of using acronyms in your company or industry.  It is a bad habit, and you will use them when you shouldn’t. 
The P.C. I want to address now stands for Political Correctness, which is the most detrimental and dangerous trend in our government today.  We are at war with radical Islam and our government won’t even say the words.  How can we ever win this war?  We can’t have open and honest discussions about race, immigration, sex, or religion, because of someone taking offense at a word usage.  This attitude is ignorant. 
I understand many people get rich by race-baiting and even by advocating that we can control climate change, but this is not healthy for our country.  People should not be allowed to get rich by promoting lies.
Political correctness is dividing America and diverting attention from the real problems facing this country.  Instead of dealing with horrific problems like the war with radical Islam, the growth of government, and government debt, our leaders talk about b--- s--- like climate change and gun control. 
We need to forget political correctness and get serious for the sake of our children and future generations. 

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