Tuesday, December 1, 2015

100% Sure

I once had a marketing professor that said, “If you are 100% sure, you are wrong because you are too late.”  If you are 100% sure, someone else will have already acted, and the best opportunity is gone.  This is certainly true in marketing and business. 
The market is always changing.  Maybe that is why business is so interesting and challenging.   The changing market is one reason large companies, chains, and franchises are more successful than independents.  A small independent business can not afford the market research necessary to keep up with a changing market. 
I have had clients who were looking for a business and wanted to be 100% sure.  They will probably never own a successful business, because if they continue to investigate, the opportunity will be gone.  In some cases, the idea of being 100% sure is just an excuse so they never have to make a decision.  Unfortunately, they do not realize that this procrastination itself is making a decision to never be self employed. 
This works for the 100% sure individual because not everyone should be in business for themselves.  Owning a business requires making many decisions every day.  Someone that needs to be 100% sure has demonstrated that they are not capable of making business decisions in a timely manner. 
I would like to think I can be 100% sure of who to vote for politically, but that is also not possible.  Theoretically, we want to vote for the most qualified candidate that will best represent the future of our great country. 
We ask a candidate for specific plans on issues, but if the candidate is foolish enough to provide specifics, they will lose because the special interests and the political elite will criticize the details. 
Instead, we elect an individual with no experience or qualifications, but who has a good personality and can give a good speech.  No one would stay in business very long if they hired employees like this.  So why does anyone vote for them?
 Political candidates seek partisan support and the support of special interest groups.  They must then pay back for this support at the expense of the taxpayer.  It is most disturbing when they gain support by dividing the country based on race, sex, or religion. 
I am also very disturbed by politicians that feel they have to be so politically correct that they cannot even talk about some of the biggest problems facing this country.   This is why the political insiders are having such a hard time in the current Presidential race.  The public is getting fed up with inefficient big government, and the avoidance of the real issues facing this country.
I know it takes a lot of time and energy to learn about a candidate, and not just believe the lame stream media headlines, and the untrue super pack advertisements.  As in business, we can never be 100% sure, but we must do our best.  I have made many mistakes in both business and the voting booth.  I have learned from them.
You can never be 100% sure when you go to vote, but be informed.  Don’t be taken in by propaganda.

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