Tuesday, January 16, 2018


        I occasionally hear rumors about California wanting to secede from the union.  That would be great.  Don’t get me wrong, California has wonderful weather and is a nice place to visit, but we could still visit if it was not part of the United States.
        It would be so nice if California could secede and be an independent country.  Just think about it.  California votes as liberal, progressive socialists anyway and they could all be in sync.  California would be a liberal paradise.  They could name Barrack Hussein Obama king and Michele Obama queen.  Hilary Clinton could be the chief law enforcement officer.  Who knows more about deep state government corruption and cover-up than Hillary?  It would be a fight between Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Dianne Feinstein for court jester.  Which one is the bigger joke?
        The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals would be the perfect legal system for the Country of California.  They rule for partisan progressive ideas with no regard for the law, and would no longer have the U.S. Supreme Court overturning their decisions. 
        The Democratic Party of California could actually formulate an agenda beyond the anti-Trump agenda they have now.  Trying to oppose, discredit, and remove President Trump from office seems to be their only platform currently.  
        It would also be so nice to get rid of all the Hollywood celebrities that continually stick they nose into politics with little or no knowledge.  Some of these celebrities promised to leave the country if Trump was elected President.  I wish they would keep their word and leave.  
        I have to laugh at the Hollywood Me Too movement.  I agree that rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment are wrong, but Hollywood leading the movement is hypocritical.  Jokes about the casting couch are older than I am.  It’s not like everyone in Hollywood didn’t know about and accept this behavior.   
        California could promote their liberal open boarder agenda with no opposition.  And, if anyone did object, they could accuse them of being racist or sexist just as they do now when the facts don’t support their agenda. 
        What a utopia it would be for about a year until California went bankrupt and their government had to start confiscating private property.  There would be no federal government to bail them out.
        California could attempt to join Canada if Oregon and Washington would secede too.  Canada might take Oregon and Washington, but Canada is too smart to take California
        California could try to join Mexico.  All the illegal immigrants in California that refuse to learn English and fly the Mexican flag would love that, but Mexico doesn’t want them back.  They got rid of these immigrants and don’t want to have to support them.
        This blog was written with tongue in cheek, but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in it.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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