Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hire the Best Qualified

        If you are in business for yourself, starting a business, or in a management position, you need to hire the best people available to fill a specific job.  How do you get the most for your dollar?    
        The first step is to clearly spell out to the applicant what you need.  Explain the job and what is expected.  Don’t make promises for the future.  Don’t worry about what the person will be doing in a few years.  Hire someone to do the job now.  Many new hires do not have a huge loyalty to the job and may leave at some point in the future. 
        The job must fit the applicant’s expectations and personality.  For example, someone that does not have a sales personality will not be happy in a sales position.  I have heard people say they could sell only if the product is something they really loved.  That is bull.  Sales are sales and has little to do with the product. 
        Define the job and fill it.  Hiring someone that fits the job and is happy in the job will produce the best long-term employee.  Don’t hire overqualified people.  They will get bored and leave sooner than someone who enjoys the job. 
        I once had a neighbor that ran a meat processing plant.  He gave job applicants an IQ test, because he had learned production line workers with higher than normal IQs were not happy with the work and quit. 
        There are some exceptions to not hiring over-qualified applicants.  One is hiring seniors that want to work and contribute, but don’t want to relocate and don’t necessarily need the compensation they previously made.  
        I once hired an unemployed bank manger that had been laid off due to a merger as my plant office manager.  He was over-qualified and took a huge cut in pay, but did not need the money and did not want to move.  He was an excellent employee and based on my recommendation was promoted to plant manager when I left.
        There are considerations beyond the job duties and compensation.  The hours and location may be critical.  Some people like night shifts and some don’t.  Some people need flexible hours. 
        I once worked for a company that was headquartered in Florida.  They would not hire any office personal who had not previously spent a summer in Florida.  The heat was so oppressive that people just quit and left.  The same could be said of people moving to Wisconsin or Minnesota in the winter, or Arizona in the summer.    
        For more about hiring employees read my book Business Fits which is available on Amazon.

        In business, we would never knowingly hire someone we knew was not qualified to contribute to the business.  Why would we bring immigrants into the country who we know cannot contribute? 
        Instead of bringing in the best qualified immigrants, we often bring in people who have no skills, can’t speak the language, and don’t want to assimilate or contribute.  This is crazy and has nothing to do with race or religion. 
        If we have an employee who does not earn their pay, we fire them.  We don’t keep paying them and hire more of their relatives who also don’t earn their pay.  This is what we do with the diversity and chain immigration.  The stupidity of government amazes me.
        We live in a time when terrorism is a real threat.  Immigrants must be properly and thoroughly vetted. It is a fact that most terrorists are Muslim.  The race and religion argument is just a copout and has nothing to do with it.
        Worse yet, our politicians, again and again have promoted illegal immigration by granting an easy path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.  They talk about securing our borders and enforcing immigration laws, but that never happens.  Diane Feinstein’s idea of a clean Dacca bill now and a promise for comprehensive reform later is a joke.  

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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