Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Protestors or Idiots - Patriots or Marxists

        Recent demonstrations have turned into riots and looting that destroyed black communities.  Are these people protesting for black equality, or are they intentionally trying to divide the country, with destroying black communities as just collateral damage?  If their intentions are to help blacks and they don’t see the damage they are doing, they really are stupid.  Why do blacks help the WOKE white Marxist idiots burn their neighborhoods?  I like Mark Steyn’s description when he called the demonstrations “The march of the morons.”
        Tearing down statues of Civil War abolitionists just shows the mob’s ignorance of history, or maybe they are just plain ignorant.  They definitely are criminals and need to pay restitution and serve time.
        The real shame is how Democratic mayors and governors allow the riots to continue.  They claim to be the party representing blacks, but their actions show they really could care less about the health and well being of minority communities.  They don’t care if black neighborhoods turn into lawless urban jungles.  They can go home to their safe communities. 
        The Black Lives Matter organization is a real joke.  The facts show the real problem is blacks killing blacks.  BLM could care less about these black lives.   The mob wants to defund the police when the real solution is more proactive policing.  If their real objective is to promote crime in these communities, or divide and destroy the country, they are achieving their objective.  This appears to be the real objective of BLM, ANTIFA, and other extremists like George Soros.
        The most disgusting thing is how political, community, and business leaders, including Republican conservatives, have bowed down to the Marxist mob that is trying to destroy this country.  I have often said that people in this country could lose their freedom if they don’t pay attention.  At my age, I believed it could never happen in my lifetime, but with the recent riots, I am afraid it could. This Marxist movement has been promoted by the left and our universities for several decades.  We are now facing a potential crisis as they continue to push for socialism. 
God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       

http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


  1. Wow, I don't know if your remarks could be any more wrong and racist.

  2. At first blush this post seems irrational and borderline disgusting. Then, questioning the motive, it becomes clearer.

    There is serious fear about change. The final paragraph is the tell. “At my age, I believed it could never happen in my lifetime, but with the recent riots, I am afraid it could.”

    Protests cause change. Change challenges the majority. How else can the powerless challenge the powerful? The author says it could not happen in his lifetime. At age 76, the author was 21 in 1964. The civil rights movement and its protests brought about the Civil Rights Act of 1965. The anti-war protests eventually brought an end to the realization that the Viet Nam war was unjust and ended in defeat.

    All protests have fringe groups that use the event for destruction. That should not detract from the overall message. The current protests are, in the vast majority, peaceful and in public places not in black neighborhoods. The author has to know that fact. Lafayette Square in Washington D.C. is certainly not a black neighborhood.

    Protesters are not stupid. Confederate statues are meant to memorialize people that fought against the Union to keep blacks as slaves for their economy.

    Black Lives Matters is a message! Blacks that are still prohibited from real estate purchases in areas governed by covenants prohibiting home purchase. Charter schools are the 21st century segregation tool. Try to get a job interview with a “black sounding” name on your resume. Black people are continually subject to profiling stops by police, etc. etc. etc. Can’t the difference be identified, acknowledged and finally be dealt with?

    75% of those recently polled identify with the Black Live Matter message. The author appears to be in the minority. In 2040 whites will become the minority population in the U.S.
