Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

         Today is Election Day, and I will be working as an Election Inspector later today.  The choices made in today’s Presidential election have never been more extreme or clear.  Here is what the candidates represent for our future:


Harris -  Biden                          Trump – Pence


Marxism                                           Capitalism


Globalism                                         America first


Recession                                       Booming economy


Raise taxes                                     Lower taxes


Open boarders                                 Secure borders


Gun confiscation                              Right to bear arms


Controlled media                              Media reporting facts


Socialist nightmare                           American dream


Tyrannical government                     Personal freedom


High unemployment                  Low unemployment


Stop teaching history                       Teach & learn history


Anarchy in the streets                      Law and order


Eliminate all fossil fuels                    Energy independence


Double standard justice                    Equal justice for all


Change the Constitution                   Uphold the Constitution


Government health care                   Health care choice  


Wars for military industry                 Stop endless wars  


More Federal regulations                 Less Federal regulations


Cutting carbon emissions                 Sound environment policy


Eliminate the Bill of Rights                Uphold the Bill of Rights


Politicize the Supreme Court            Judicial Supreme Court


International trade for the elite Fair trade for America


Foreign policy of buying friends        Foreign policy of strength


Divide the country on race & sex     Equality for all Americans


        I do feel sorry for people who voted early for Biden before they knew he was a liar and a crook and now can’t change their votes.


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


  1. I do feel sorry for people who actually believe the lies to posted above ��

  2. When charismatic leaders are involved, their followers tell few truths. The government is too big to understand, the laws too complex to be understood, and the people all have hidden agendas. And yet, the advocates fervently believe only they know the truth. There is a DNA gene that allows people to worship ordinary men.

  3. What an election day tirade by this libertarian/conservative/race baiting blogger. His support for a pussy-grabbing, congenital liar of an impeached president that we have endured for 4 years is astounding. His Wisconsin polling place can only hope their poll judge did not show up in a sheet and an AK-47 over his shoulder as a poll watcher today.
