Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

       Everyone verbally agrees we need comprehensive immigration reform.  Some advocate an open border policy.  Most agree that we should secure our borders, but liberal Democrat actions and voting records clearly show they want open borders. 
        I have heard politicians promise to secure the border and legislate immigration reform since the 1970s.  It never happens, because the liberal left and the political elite don’t want it to happen.  The left wants the immigrant vote since they don’t represent the working class any more.  The political elite make too much money from illegal immigrants. 
        True comprehensive immigration reform is not possible without first securing our borders.  Some immigration legislation has been a disaster.  The lottery and chain migration has to stop. 
        We need immigrants who want to assimilate and contribute to this great country, not change it.  Giving amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegals has promoted even more illegal immigration. 
        Laws that prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants are good, but of no value if they are not enforced.  Sanctuary cities and states encourage illegal immigration and the crime that results.
        We need immigration reform in all areas, but it must start with securing our southern border.  All the people actually involved in this horrendous task say a physical barrier, fence, or wall is essential.  The opposition has a political agenda to oppose Trump and/or ignores the facts. 
        The opposition says $5 billion is too expensive, but illegal immigrants cost the country $150 billion a year.  The current proposed Democratic budget has $12 billion for foreign aid and zero for the wall.  Would you rather give money to foreign countries, many of which hate us, or stop the drugs, gangs and sex trafficking coming across our southern border. 
        We need to clarify the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.  It was passed to give citizenship to the children of slaves born in this country.  It has been misinterpreted to include children of illegal immigrants born in this country.  Women endanger their lives and the lives of their unborn children to enter the country illegally.  They think that their child will be a citizen and as the mother they will be allowed to stay also.
        We have a stalemate because Pelosi doesn’t want to alienate their base.  Forget the politics.  This is about national security.  Trump stayed in Washington over the holidays.  He was willing to work on the problem, but Pelosi was too busy vacationing in Hawaii.  She hates Trump more than she cares about the drugs and sex trafficking on the border, or about the government workers not getting a paycheck.
        The left says we are in a Constitutional crisis, and I agree.  They hate Trump because the country elected him President.  They attack President Trump and everyone who supports him personally.  They ignore the facts and believe the lame-stream media propaganda.  When they have no facts to support their position, they call people immoral or racist, or try to intimidate with protests and shouting.  They would rather destroy this country than support or work with one of the greatest Presidents in history. 

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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