Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Perish Together as Fools

        We celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. last week.  He was a leader in the civil rights movement in this country.  He did not advocate violence, division, or special consideration.  He only asked for equality.  
        He was the key note speaker at a Luther League convention I attended in 1961.  I like this quote from King.  “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”  He would be disgusted and appalled with today’s division politics.  Both political parties do it, but the Democrats have made a science out of dividing the country.
        Last week a teenager was accused as being a racist all over the lame-stream media.  He did nothing but remain calm and try to avoid any confrontation.  First some black Muslims called him all kinds of names and threatened him.   The a Native American approached him while chanting and beating a drum.
        What was this teenager’s real crime?  He was a white male from a Christian school, and he might even have been straight sexually.  That would make him part of a group targeted by the liberal left. 
        AND, heaven forbid, he also was wearing a Make-America-Great-Again cap.  Political correctness already takes away freedom of speech.  Now the left wants to also ban any clothing that they find offensive and does not agree with their political agenda. 
        Two days before fake news had another breaking story when Buzzfeed broke a totally false story that Trump had instructed his attorney to lie.  The Mueller investigation made a statement that the story was false. 
        On The View Whoopi Goldberg asked why the media kept jumping the gun with false stories that took away their credibility.  Joy Behar gave an honest answer when she said they would do anything to hurt President Trump.  That apparently includes making up news and spreading lies.   It is no wonder that less than 15% of the population feel they can believe or trust the news. 
        The anti-Trumpers know that if they can get the media to repeat a lie often enough, some people will believe it even if it is proven false later.  The media ignores the Constitution, ignores the presumption of innocence, ignores the right to due process, and rushes to judgment.
        The media has to read something negative into everything President Trump does, because there are no real issues they can blame him for.  The Mueller investigation has found absolutely nothing Trump has done wrong after two years.
        Martin Luther King would praise President Trump and agree with making America great again for all Americans including the black community.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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