Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Liberty Valance

        The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is one of my favorite movies, and is an American classic.  It stars John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, and Lee Marvin.   What a great cast.  It was directed by John Ford and shot in black and white. 
        At the end of the movie, the editor of the newspaper says, “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”  Our media today has gone even farther.  They ignore the facts and print the lie when it fits their political agenda. 
        Nancy Pelosi once explained how it works in an interview.  She would get a liberal to present a lie to the lame-stream media as a confidential source.  The media seldom asked for confirmation, but in the rare case they did, a second source would be provided to confirm the lie.  The media would report the lie.  Now the liberal left could quote the media and the lie would be accepted as fact.  
        The media also jumps to conclusions with any story that fits their agenda.  They don’t wait for the facts to come out.  Forget the constitutional guarantees of due process and innocent until proven guilty. 
        Trump correctly accuses most of the media of reporting fake news, but he respects the freedom of the press.  President Lincoln shut down 200 newspapers that he didn’t agree with.  FDR had a Council of Propaganda to control the media.  Trump just tweets and calls them out for their lies.  The media does need to be held accountable for libel suits.    
        Thank God for FOX news.  If it were not for FOX, the public would have no way to get true and balanced news.  There is nothing the left would like better than to put FOX News out of business.
        There is a genre in fiction called alternative universe.  Many liberals seem to accept alternative realities rather than facts.  Many would rather believe a comedian than know the actual facts.  
        Political correctness is an anti-free-speech tool.  It is one way the left attempts to restrict free speech.  We see students shunned and attacked on college campuses for expressing conservative ideas.  Employees are fired for expressing conservative ideas.  These restrictions of free speech must stop. 
        Repeating a lie often enough does not make it true.  The media should report the facts and not the legend.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


  1. Terry,

    Your blog lacks credibility.
    Please cite a reference to a Nancy Pelosi interview on how se gets a liberal to present a lie.
    You state that the president accuses most of the media of reporting fake news. Please give examples of most.
    You also state the president respects freedom of the press. Does that include the New York Times and the Washington Post?
    Repeating that the special council investigation is a witch hunt (1.100 times) does not make it true.

    Kent Schulze

  2. Don't know about Pelosi, but certainly is Dem playbook... witness Reid telling media that he had info Romney did not pay taxes... admitted later he lied, but hey " it worked ".. point is, media accepts Dem account as truth and does not corroborate. Many examples of media jumping on uncorroborated anti Trump stories... Rather set the example..
    Criticism of press does not infringe freedom, but is, itself freedom...
    Democrats project their own behavior on others as the ultimate clever defense.... witness how Obama treated press.
